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Sustarix - Testosterone Mix Compound 250 mg/ml

Description : A combination of several testosterone esters is found in the pharmaceutical medicine Testosterone Mix Compound 250. The principal male sex hormone, testosterone, is in charge of establishing and preserving male sexual traits. In medical contexts, testosterone esters—synthetic testosterone derivatives are used to treat diseases like hypogonadism that are linked to low testosterone levels in males.

  • Active ingredients: The active ingredients in this substance are most likely a combination of various testosterone esters. The number "250" in the name could relate to the total milligrams of testosterone in the solution.
  • Usage
    • Bodybuilding and muscle growth: Some people employ testosterone-based substances to build and strengthen their muscles. When used improperly, testosterone, an anabolic steroid, can encourage the growth of muscle.
    • Improved Athletic Recovery: Some athletes and fitness buffs think that testosterone helps speed up the healing process after exercise by lowering pain in the muscles and encouraging tissue repair.
  • Common side effects :
    • Gynecomastia: Because to hormonal abnormalities, certain users may grow breast tissue, a disease known as gynecomastia. With high doses and prolonged use, this is more likely to happen.
    • Cardiovascular Problems: High amounts of testosterone can put people at higher risk for cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure, cholesterol abnormalities, and a higher chance of developing heart disease.
    • Testicular atrophy: As the body's natural testosterone production declines, long-term usage of exogenous testosterone can cause the testicles to shrink.